Mining services


Mining services
Materials innovation process

Providing mining services in the following matters:
Fields related to mining and mineral industries, including registration of boundaries and obtaining official and legal permits, exploration and extraction of minerals, processing and trading, buying and selling, import and export, mining products and equipment inside and outside the country, as well as Technical services, engineering and consulting, design and technical supervision and implementation of mining projects and related industries, participation in domestic and foreign auctions, innovative processes and services and mining-based knowledge, buying and selling shares in the stock market and securities.

The main activities of the company in the mining sector (except for oil and gas) are as follows:

  • Activities in the field of mining inside and outside the country
  • Carrying out all activities related to registering the scope and obtaining official licenses for exploration and extraction of minerals, processing and trading of mineral products
  • Technical and consulting services, including geophysical and geotechnical operations, preparation of topographic maps, drilling, analysis and identification of minerals, design and technical supervision and implementation of mining projects and related industries in domestic and foreign auctions.
  • Buying and selling shares of companies admitted to the Bahadur Stock Exchange Organization and buying and selling goods in the Commodity Exchange
  • Buying and selling of mines and royalties issued from the registration stage to the exploitation license